Light, Darkness and Heroism In “Midnight In Mangroves” – Chiron Duong
“There is an immense connection between darkness and light. In the dark, we cannot see; we can only feel. In the light, we can both see and feel, but what can be seen prevails.” (Midnight in Mangroves, Chiron Duong 2022)
Darkness is like the virtues that we cannot easily comprehend. Light is like a shell, an external form of existence that is either captivating or unprepossessing. Witnessing the so-called dichotomy between someone’s appearance and virtues (for example, a person with a rather brutish appearance but having many extraordinary, sage qualities), we are stunned. That is when those once hidden in darkness emerge into the light for all to admire or fear. Therefore, if there is no descent into darkness, the value of stepping into the light will diminish significantly.
In this photo series “Midnight in Mangroves”, I focus on the mangrove ecosystem as my research subject. I aim to capture the contrast between the peculiar, stunted appearance of the trees and the hidden, extraordinary roles of this ecosystem that are not visible to the naked eye. The goal is to highlight how this ecosystem is under threat of destruction and replacement by more economically attractive targets. Through photography, I have led the magical qualities of this ecosystem from the darkness to make it visible in the light, starting from developing a deliberate concept based on the research of scientists and ecologists to linking the photos with the motion capture effect beyond my control. From there, we can admire its miraculous connection with humans.
This ecosystem, in turn, educates us on how to live and puts us in front of philosophical, existential questions: the sacrifice and rebirth from generation to generation of this ecosystem in a sustainable way to transform from salty land to fresh land is in exchange for what? Is it meaningless? And what is our responsibility? Or as Rachel Carson has put it: “It seems reasonable to believe — and I do believe — that the more we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race.”
“Mangrove forests are the silent heroes, bearing the character of magnanimous heroes who fight selflessly for justice.”
“MIDNIGHT IN THE MANGROVES” Art Exhibition is a non-profit exhibition that combines the art of photography with knowledge of mangroves. It demonstrates the close relationship between arts and education in the community by focusing on the environment and climate. This is a photo series capturing the last moments of mangroves, thereby demonstrating the sensitivity of the mangrove ecosystems to external and internal factors, showing the role of the mangrove ecosystems based on the document Useful Products from Mangrove and Coastal Plants by Shigeyuki Baba, Hung Tuck Chan, Sanit Aksornkoae. Based on the document Structure, Function, and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems by Jin Eong Ong & Wooi Khoon Gong.